martes, 10 de septiembre de 2019

The Rubiks Cube into competition

As I said in my last entry the WCA is the encharged of all rukes and championsips, it does since 2004, in 2003 was celebrated the first world cube championship in Toronto wich started organizing by to guys since 1999 who met other speedcubers (people who practices solving the cube really fast) by the game of the rubik cube on the intertnet.

Resultado de imagen para WCA

In the first championship there wasn't a good control of all the things and the rules so one year later Ron van Bruchem y Tyson Mao created the WCA.

As we know the Rubiks cube have had a lot of different ways to solve it and it have had different records in solving it, right know the shortest time to solve it is made by Yusheng Du in may of 2018 in the Wuhu Open in China he made it in oly 3.475 seconds, destroying the previous record, 4.22 seconds

yusheng du rubiks cube

Some of the best cube brands are the Volk, Qi Yi, MoYu and Gan, those are big brands that are specialized in making Rubik cubes for races, many people says that it is the same, but is not, some cubes have magnets, so they are faster, other cubes are smaller than others and lighters too, by my looking point the best of all could be Gan, it makes awesome Rubik cubes and very nice, probably the best Rubik’s cube made until now so the Gan 356 X, it is also the most expensive (around 60 dollars) but has many different thigs that makes it awesome and values its price.

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